Tuesday 14 February 2012

Life's a Journey

Much has been said about the year 2012, is the last year of our earth's history? Perhaps it's just the beginning of the end.  One thing I can say is that changes are occurring everywhere... and fast.  Days disappear into weeks and months before we can grasp them.  So much happens in such a short space of time.  I remember watching the news and current affairs programs covering all of the natural disasters that occurred during 2011, floods, earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, tsunami's and thinking wow did all of that really just happen this past year?  So as I sit here and ponder what is to befall this planet in 2012 I realise we're already halfway through February!  It's shaping up to be another 'busy' year.  So you may ask, what has that got to do with anything, and what's it got to do with me.  Well... when I consider all that has happened so far in my life, it's been a journey, one that I hope and pray is refining my soul.  I'm so blessed to have a family.  My parents, brothers and sisters and their family's all helping to shape who I am by experiences and wisdom's they pass to me each defined by their own life experiences and now I have a husband and two precious children of my own, who's lives I will help to shape and define.  Life, I believe, is about choices, we cannot always control the circumstances we find ourselves in but how we choose to deal with them is what defines us, what shapes us and what helps us grow into the people we're to be.  I want to be Perfect, according to the instruction given to us in the New Testament's first book of Matthew.   Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.  Mat 5:48  And so it is that I write this blog, in the pursuit of perfection as a way to clear my thoughts, and review what I believe, how I act and deal with situations and to help me to make right choices.  To live as Jesus wants me to live and to obey his commandment and become perfect.  Every day is an opportunity to choose to do what is right, to choose to behave in a soft and gentle manner, to be patient, loving and kind, forgiving and understanding and to stand up for what is right, not what is easy and comfortable.  I know this journey won't be easy, after all purifying gold takes fire.  I will fall and fail many times but with each mistake I make I pray that I will learn from it and become a better person, one who makes the right choice next time.

1 comment:

  1. Just lovely Sherelle,
    I really needed to read this today.. so much hope is in God's love and grace.
    Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to read more of what you have to say in the future.
    Blessings to you..
    Di. W..xxx
